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Lower Chanterhill Road Enniskillen, BT74 6DE

Price Not Provided

Key Information

Address Lower Chanterhill Road Enniskillen, BT74 6DE
Price Price Not Provided
Land type Commercial Land (with no PP)
Size 3.8 acres
Planning No Planning Permission
Status For sale


  • Prominent location between Lower Chanterhill Road and the new Northern By-Pass Omagh Road to Tempo Road Link. Level site with good frontage.
  • Mostly zoned for mixed business use but also an ideal location for housing subject to obtaining Planning approval.

Additional Information


Lower Chanterhill Road is just off the main Enniskillen/Omagh Road and is an important route leading to the towns MOT Centre and to the densely populated areas of Chanterhill & Cavanaleck and to the Tempo Road where the towns Mart and many other businesses are located.

Situated on the town outskirts within  the 40mph speed limit it is also within walking distance of 5 Schools and other amenities.

Offers are invited for the property on its own or as parts.

N.B  A small corner of the area for sale on the Western boundary has a right of way in favour of adjoining land.  there is also a small area of Crannog to the extreme rear of this land.

Further particulars available from our office.

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